Friday, March 28, 2014

Friday Fiver and a Birthday Weekend!

Today is FRIDAY! And that means Friday Fiver! The winner this week, according to is Stacy L. I've sent Stacy L an email and a $5.00 gift card plus a HUMONGOUS thank you for being on my newsletter list! To enter to win the Friday Fiver you must be on the Maggie Marr Newsletter List. You can get on the list here.

You know the fab thing about your birthday falling on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday? You don't just get a birthDAY but you get a birthday WEEKEND! I've even been known to stretch such things to a Thursday or Monday. Yes, this weekend is MY birthday weekend and I am feeling pretty darned excited about another year!

As an admitted insecure over-achiever it's pretty easy for me to get caught up in all the things I want to work on and plan to accomplish and forget about all that I've done in the past year. Well this weekend I am going to think about the successes and the accomplishments. I am going to think of the clients that I've helped and the books that I've written. The volunteer work I've done. The laughter and the joy I've shared with friends and family. I am thankful for my clients, my readers, my co-workers, family, and friends. This weekend I am going to celebrate the past year and yes, even look forward to all the joy that I know the next year will bring.



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