Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gimme A Call

Gimme A Call by Sarah Mlynowski, one of my favorite authors and good friends is out today!

This book is fab! I pre-ordered mine weeks ago. Senior in high school Devi drops her cell phone in a fountain and voila the only person she can call? Her younger high school self.

I love this premise.

And I have to admit, I've been asking myself this question all week. If I could call my high school self what would I tell her?

I have a list. My top ten;

1. Wait. Just wait, you are reallllly hormonal. So wait.

2. Do not throw a party at the Bandy's house, they find out.

3. Don't get the beer at the party after you lay out on the lake all day...you pass out in front of the cop.

4. You're not fat, enjoy it.

5. Be nicer to your friends, family, and little brother.

6. Get good grades. It's worth it and you can, school is easy for you.

7. The home life? It gets better. Years later...but it does.

8. Be nicer to David H. He's really a great guy.

9. Spend more time writing. Consider an MFA and a JD.

10. Oh yeah, and Pat P? Definitely not worth the tears.

Great idea. Great book. Now go buy it. xomm


Blogger Mia said...

Hmm. I think the only thing I'd say to my younger self would be, "Don't worry about what everyone else thinks, be passionate and involved. Being cool is BORING."

I got that by my senior year, but wasted three years that I could have had more fun.

April 27, 2010 at 2:45 PM  

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