Thursday, April 30, 2009

Scripts, Pitches and Conference Calls

So the script...let's call it The AE is making the rounds to the ladies. I will NOT name drop, no I won't. But if you are a romantic comedy junkie like I am you can *guess* who the 'ladies' know the usual suspects for the girl in the 'girl meets boy' part.

The pitches?! Ugh. Well we know what the next script is going to be. (More on new script in a different post.) And we've got four ideas for television pitches this year just need to narrow that down. Now if you, like me, find it slightly annoying when people use 'we' when they mean 'me' never fear, I've not co-opted a habit I dislike in others. The 'we' is for my co-writer in screenplay land. Mike McCafferty. Yup. We are a duo...a dynamic one. Mr. McCafferty is a comic, improv guy and used to be a character on The Invisible Man. Now you can see him on an upcoming Mac commercial. (Perhaps I'll post our bio next week.)

Conference Calls? Well we had a big one, just last week. Lots of people...I think 6 to be exact. But alas the pitch wasn't take two next week.

Still editing the Romance.
